Snapshots from Italy
Snapshots from Italy! Our 22 Padre Pio pilgrims celebrated Mass at numerous holy sites including Madonna delle Lacrime in Siracusa, Sicily, San Francesco di Paola andSt. Michael’s Cave, but the highlight of the trip was following in Padre Pio’s footsteps and celebrating Mass in the small chapel of his hospital, the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, the […]
Padre Pio Foundation of America to the Rescue
Padre Pio Foundation of America to the Rescue Over the years, thanks to YOUR wonderful support, we have been blessed to support a number of unique programs that give comfort to patients both young and old. No trip to San Giovanni Rotondo would be complete without meeting the Director of the Hospital to identify how […]
A Miraculous Healing
A Miraculous Healing In the spring of 2000, Gene was in poor health. Pain racked his body and he was suffering from heart and kidney problems. His strength was failing him. He had been declared unfit to continue working as an airplane mechanic – a job he had performed for decades. Even the simple task […]
Stories of Intercession
We love to hear stories of Padre Pio’s intercessions because we know he is active in our daily lives. So please, share your stories with us here. Fill out the form below and let us know if you have any questions.
Waiting Room
“I have a strong connection to Padre Pio after being confronted with Stage 3 vulvar cancer I met a woman in the waiting room of my first exploratory cat scan. She was so nice and we talked for about 40 minutes or so. When they called me up I realized I never got her name. […]